PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment 2024, Group B

PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment 2024 -Introduction

PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment
Post NameJunior Engineer
Deptt NameTown Planning and Water Supply
No. Of Post103
Recruiting AgencyPSSSB
Advt No03/2024
Last Date to Apply Online18/03/2024
  1. Directorate of Town and Village Planning Department, Punjab
Junior Engineer ,Directorate of Town and Village Planning Department
Total No. of PostsPosts reserved for Women (Out of A)
ESM General21
ESM SC (R&O)10
Sports General11
PH Hearing Impaired10
Post NameEducational Qualification
Junior EngineerShould possess three years Diploma in Civil Engineering   or   its equivalent from a recognized university or institution; or who possess higher qualification in same discipline from a recognized university or institution

   2.Name of Department :-Water Supply and Sanitation Department

Junior Engineer ,Water Supply and Sanitation Department
Total No. of PostsPosts reserved for Women (Out of A)
ESM General103
ESM SC (M&B)4 (including 2 Backlog)0
ESM SC (R&O)4 (including  3 Backlog)0
ESM BC5 (including 3 Backlog)0
Sports General6 (including2
4 Backlog)
Sports SC (M&B)2 (Backlog)0
Sports SC (R&O)2 (Backlog)0
PH Hearing Impaired3 (including1
2 Backlog)
PH Ortho4 (including1
2 Backlog)
Freedom Fighter2 (Backlog)1
Post NameEducational Qualification
Junior EngineerThe posts of direct appointment shall be filled up from amongst those candidates who possess Diploma in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering or its equivalent or higher qualification from a University or Institution recognized by Central/State Board of Technical Education/UGS/AICTE/MHRD

No person shall be appointed to any post in any service by direct appointment unless he has passed Matriculation examination

ActivityImportant Dates
Date for advertisement publication23-02-2024
Start date for online application26-02-2024
Last date for online application/submit18-03-2024 (until 05:00 pm)
Last date for fee payment21-03-2024

18 Years to 37 Years

However, there are specific age relaxations for candidates from different categories:

  • For candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, the upper age limit is extended to 42 years.
  • For government employees, the upper age limit is 45 years.
  • Ex-Servicemen, depending on their service, will have varying upper age limits as per the Punjab Recruitment of Ex-Servicemen Rules, 1982.
  • For widows, divorcees, and certain other categories of married women, the upper age limit is relaxed up to 40 years.

It’s crucial for candidates to adhere to these age criteria, and those with prior military service or disabilities may have additional relaxations as per the specific rules outlined in the official instructions.

The application fees for different categories are as follows:

1General Category/Rural Area/Urban Area:₹1000/-
3Ex-Servicemen & Dependent:₹200/-
4Physically Handicapped₹500/-

Applicants should note that the application fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.

The selection process involves a written examination, with the details as follows:

  1. The examination will consist of objective type (Multiple Choice Questions) written tests.
  2. In case of a tie in the merit list, the candidate with a higher qualification or age will be given preference.
  • The merit list will be based on the candidate’s performance in the written test, and for cases where merit is equal, the decision will be made based on the candidate’s age or as per the board’s discretion.
  • Candidates are required to keep track of updates, including the issuance of online admit cards and details regarding the written examination pattern, which will be uploaded on the board’s website.
  • Applicants should regularly visit the board’s website for any further announcements or changes related to the recruitment process. It is essential to adhere to the guidelines and deadlines set by the board for a smooth application process.
  • Every person appointed to the post of Junior Engineer shall unless he/she has already done so, pass a Departmental Professional Examination with such syllabus and of such standard, as may be specified by Government from time to time within the period so specified in Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Condition of Service) Rules, 1994, as amended from time to time.
  • Provided that the person appointed/promoted to the post of Junior Engineer who has less that the period so specified in the Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Condition of Service) Rules, 1994, to pass the Departmental Professional Examination, remaining for his superannuation on the date of her/his appointment/promotion to such post shall be exempted from passing the Departmental Professional Examination.
  • All members of the service shall have to undergo the prescribed mandatory induction and mid-career training as notified by the department from time to time.
Credit: Engineer Career Point
  • i. For the selection of candidates for advertised positions, the candidates will have to undergo a written test consisting of Objective type (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • ii. In case of a tie between two or more candidates in the merit of the written test, if any issue arises during the verification of birthdate, the candidate with higher age will be considered eligible. If the tie persists even after considering age, then the decision regarding the qualification and competency of the candidate will be made by the selection board.
  • iii. Based on the merit list, candidates will be called for document verification/verification of testimonials. The selection board will decide on the eligibility of the candidate by considering the additional qualifications as per the department’s guidelines.
  • iv. Admit cards for the written examination will be issued online through the board’s website. The pattern and syllabus of the written test will be uploaded on the website. Candidates are required to regularly check the board’s website for updates.
  • v. Candidates appearing in the written examination and having their names in the merit list for the interview will be called for an interview. The decision regarding the eligibility for the interview will be made by the authorized committee.
  • vi. Details related to the written examination such as exam date, exam fee, admit card, result, merit list, and recruitment criteria will be available on the board’s website. Any additional information/notifications/changes will be uploaded only on the board’s website.
  • vii. Candidates called for interview will be required to enter their eligibility/qualification code, based on their merit, and the specialized/position code without any mistake for counselling.
Important Links
Official NotificationDownload
Apply OnlineClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is the last date to apply for PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment?

The last date for online application submission is March 18, 2024, until 5:00 PM.

What is the age limit for candidates applying for PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment ?

The age limit is 18 to 37 years as of January 1, 2024, with specific relaxations for different categories

What is the selection process for the PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment?

The selection involves a written examination with objective type questions. Merit list, document verification, and additional qualifications determine the final selection

Is Punjabi language knowledge mandatory for the PSSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment?

Yes, candidates must have passed the Matriculation examination with Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects.

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